“Jordan, as well as his brother Ben, and friend John, led an amazing trip into the Idaho mountains for us where we spent a week learning outdoor survival skills and experienced a remote wilderness few get the chance to see. On the trip we learned how to build a fire from scratch, tie our own flies, and catch fish with our own self-made fly rods, build traps and snares, and build shelters. All the of the skills we learned were practical and Jordan, as well as Ben and John, were great at giving everyone individual attention to ensure they were following along and learning at their own pace. Best of all, Jordan created a fun and relaxed environment throughout. Jordan's attitude translated throughout the experience. Always laughing and smiling, and finding ways to make each activity both interesting and fun. The Bitterroot area we were in was beautiful. We were even able to commune with wolves, hearing them howl at night and in the mornings.”